In this inspirational workshop, students will learn about Chanelle’s journey as a vocalist and artist, and the importance of expressing yourself in the face of adversity. Students are taught that every individual’s voice is unique.
Students will learn about the seven energy centers of the body and what each one represents and then focus on their vocal energy centre. They learn that their vocal energy center becomes damaged when they gossip or say mean things about one another, so a strong anti-bullying and anti-cyber bullying message is woven into this workshop. Conversely, the vocal energy center is strengthened when students speak their truth, express themselves, communicate clearly and speak kind words to one another.
Students will participate in different vocal exercises in a fun group setting and finish with group songs.
They are left with vocal exercises and resources so that they may continue their vocal journey on their own time. Studies have shown that singing has profound benefits on mental health and wellness. It lowers cortisol, the stress hormone in the body, while increasing dopamine and endorphins, leaving the singer with an increased sense of calm and happiness. It also gives the singer an outlet to move through their emotions and express them in a healthy manner. Students also learn to sing in different languages which enhances cognitive function.